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Batlhokomedi District and Provincial Feedback Meetings

The Batlhokomedi study aims to understand models of Community Health Worker (CHW) service delivery, best suited to the delivery of comprehensive, integrated and community-based care. The first phase of the study has involved data collection from three different models of CHW service provision in the Sedibeng District.

On March 16th, 2017, the Batlhokomedi study team welcomed senior representatives of the Sedibeng District Health Services to a feedback meeting. This provided an opportunity to share and discuss some very preliminary findings coming from the first phase of this three-year project. Study findings and their interpretation were debated, and discussions about the most useful design for the study’s second, intervention, phase were begun. District representatives asked questions about study design and findings, suggested additional sources of data to explore, and provided guidance around strengthening data analysis.

Following this meeting, and some additional data analysis, the study team was able to share preliminary results with the study’s Provincial Advisory Committee on March 30th, 2017. Further data analysis, strengthened by stakeholder feedback, is currently underway, together with collaborative work in developing the intervention phase of the study. On the 15th June, the study team welcomed the team leaders and facility staff directly involved in the study. this meeting allowed feedback of the study findings, and further refinement of the plans for the intervention phase.