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Research Themes

Through our SARChI programme we aim to provide new knowledge on how best to strengthen the performance of the South African health system. We have undertaken research on primary care, its relationship with specialist services and on the District healthcare management, focusing on the following themes:

Financing: challenges to public financial management including cost estimating and monitoring; strategic purchasing and its challenges

Human resources: coverage and quality of care provided by the community health worker progamme; collaboration between specialists and primary care to strengthen mental health services

Governance: importance of supportive employee-manager relationships and unintended consequences of bureaucratic accountability; implementation of electronic health records in the public sector

Access to care: need for respectful, empathetic practices for improving access and the restoration of justice and health; hospital discharge and accommodation services for people living with serious mental illness

Research capacity building

In line with SARChI objectives and the WITS 2020 vision to be research intensive university, the programme trains masters, PhD and post-doctoral fellows to the future’s research leaders. We collaborate with research capacity building initiatives including:

Sheiham programme (link)

Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA)

Research Degrees Programme, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick (link)